Afya Global

Health care delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa remains a very significant challenge. Despite improvements in health outcomes in some areas, health systems remain weak and the mortality and morbidity rates remain high, particularly in rural areas. Many agencies, companies, foundations and NGOs are willing to engage in this area but the design, implementation and successful delivery and management of effective and sustainable programmes remains a significant barrier.

This complex political, cultural and technical environment is where Afya Global operates. Our on-the-ground health systems expertise, based on practical management of programmes at rural health facilities, allows us to design viable health solutions likely to attract political and financial support both national and local. Our significant public affairs, public policy and fundraising capability, with experience of engaging health ministries, development agencies and health workers across Africa, ensures that we can not just advise but also deliver. Most importantly, through our network of consultants in Africa we can manage implementation and delivery at scale. As our name implies – Afya is Swahili for health – we are expert in the design and delivery of global health programming.


Designing, negotiating & implementing

We have a track record of designing, negotiating and then implementing successful multi-million dollar public-private partnerships, both commercial and non-profit.

For an informal conversation about how Afya Global might assist you please email